Amy MacDonald

Amy has seventeen years of experience in the non-profit and philanthropic sectors, working with organizations that address society’s most pressing needs. Drawing on a diverse background in psychology, sociology, theology, leadership, and spirituality, Amy gets excited about fostering the development of individuals and groups so they can realize their personal and collective potential. 

Her career has involved managing complex projects with multiple stakeholders, including York University’s $500 million Impact campaign and Tyndale University College & Seminary’s $58 million Uncommon Ground campaign, as well as serving as Canadian Director of Development for a Kenyan-led organization focused on child development, education, and sustainable agriculture (Mully Children’s Family). She most recently served as Senior Consultant with KCI (her clients included Canadian Blood Services, Algonquin College, and Ottawa Public Library).  

Amy lives in Ottawa, Ontario with her husband David. When they’re not exploring the world, they enjoy cooking and hosting gatherings for friends and family in their century home.

Amy has an Honours Bachelor of Psychology & Sociology (Queen’s University), a Master in Theological Studies (Saint Paul University – University of Ottawa), and a Master of Arts in Transformative Leadership & Spirituality, (Saint Paul University – University of Ottawa). Upcoming publications include:

·      Briciu, B. & MacDonald, A. (2024). Making the Darkness Conscious: Collective Shadow Work for the Spiritual Development of Leaders. In M. Raei, S. Guenther, & L. Berkley (Eds.), Leadership at the Spiritual Edge: Emerging and Non-Western Concepts of Leadership and Spirituality. Routledge.

·      Séguin, M., MacDonald, A., Briciu, B., & Okunlola, M. (2024). Inclusion Norms in Ontario Settlement Agencies as Workplaces: Between Prefiguration and Systemic Exclusion. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research.